Monday, June 21, 2010


I don't what to say about girlzzzzz, because I don't have a girl friend yet. But I believe that girls are cool and boyz can trust them.Boy need a girl to share his special love.
And girls needed by the world to make it beautiful!!!!!!


  1. Here's what I think. Boys need girls and vice versa. This is because we are 'programmed' to think differently about the same things. You know, genetics and all that. We can't live without each other. And sometimes we can't live with each other. It's funny, isn't it? I really liked what you said about girls making this world beautiful. Because they do. And boys make this world a better place to live in too, by being decent and responsible men.

    Thanks for blogging and keep it up! See you on Wednesday!


  2. Hi,you are correct.Sorry about your brother.Try to make a girlfriend then you'll know more about them.Are you sure that girls make this world beautiful??????????

  3. yo yo yo..dude.r u crazy?? girlz sucks....(u crazy i'm crazy abt girls)...jzt kidding..mhhhhh...dude this is a special announcement 4 u..k..
    1).we cant trust girls..
    2).they are different creatures
    3).human existence may depend on them but they need boys too....LOLZ....
    OK this is the best part....
    u said u don't have a gf.right...then what about that girl in BC?
    dude no lies lets get down 2 business ..
    ( A W S O M E )!!!!!!!!!
